Island Nursing
coming to the island |
Well, nursing up here in the Torres
Straight has been educational. The job itself involves the usual
looking after patients on the ward, about 2 thirds of which are
nursing home pt's awaiting placement, interspersed by the occasional
harrowing time of interest when something interesting wanders into
the tiny ED.
There's a whole host of really
interesting nurses here, mainly ED and theatre specialists who are
all annoyed and disgusted at having to spend most of their shifts
doing showers and moving patients in lifters, after being told by
their agencies that the job was in their speciality. But
realistically, in any setting like this you do need to have skilled
people on hand for when the shit hits the fan. But they also need to
staff the ward the rest of the time.
Max, a local boy and Brian the MSF guy |
The range of experience the travelling
nurses bring with them is pretty impressive. I've met Brian, who
works for doctors without borders most of the time, and is here to
top up his coffers as MSF doesn't pay enough, being a volunteer organization. Chitra, a theatre nurse who like many of the others has a masters
degree and has worked as a lecturer, and others with qualifications
coming out of their ears.
What it means is that generally, you
get better nursing care in these strange of the beaten track places,
simply because you are looked after by super experienced staff.
And the same goes for the doctors. I
helped with a really scary intubation on a big islander bloke with a
possible neck injury the other day and was truly impressed with the
fact that the doc managed it at all...and also the minimum of fuss
and panic that the rest of the team displayed throughout. The patient
was seriously lucky...
It's also the usual hotbed of intrigue,
political power play and bullying, which I'm doing my damnedest to
ignore, with varying success.
The islanders seem quite prosperous,
well dressed and clean (which will make sense to anyone who has
worked in the outback!)
a local tree |
I've counted 5 churches on the island
so far: Catholic, Protestant, 7th Day Adventists, Assembly of God,
the Mormons and Ba'hai. They do religion pretty seriously and I've
had the bible quoted at me by a few patients.
Luckily they seem to have kept it all
well mixed with local traditions, and weddings and funerals are
bright loud colourful affairs with huge amounts of food and dancing.
The local graveyard is fascinating,
with a hauntingly beautiful old Japanese section as a counterset to
the brightly painted Islander tombstones with photos and masses of
plastic flowers...
The hospital itself is right on the
water so the views from the pt windows and the verandah where I have
morning tea seem totally unreal.
Most evening I wander over to the beach
across the road and pat the pet turtles one family brings down to
swim in the shallows...I've been assured by the locals that the crocs
all hang around on the other side of the island where the dugongs and
turtles are butchered, and so far they seem to be right. Wading
barefoot is a tad daunting with all the stories about stonefish and
Iragangi jelly fish, but it's just soooooo cool and nice and relaxing
after a long day of showers, intrigue and arguing with strange
ventilators.....And the sunsets....
Local kids swimming their turtles |
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