Trying to organise my website

Ive been fiddling with my website this morning, trying to make it a better reflection of who I am...

and it's been quite challenging....

I just do too many things....

I have been told so many times by advertising and marketing people that I need to develop a clear brand..but I keep on hopping around changing what I do, playing around with new techniques and skills and developing new kinds of art work...

And I'm buggered if I know how to succinctly market myself on one website.

My workshop at home is like that: I have shelves full of gear for such a variety of different art forms, clay supplies, every kind of paint you could imagine, beads, felting wool, goddess knows how many paints and inks...and then theres the perfumery...boxes and boxes of oils and extracts, bottles, cards and packaging materials....

Last time I moved was a nightmare...packing up the house was bad enough, but the studio....oh my. 

I am: 

A visual artist.....who paints in watercolour, acrylic and small workbooks, on large canvases, playing with an ever changing array of subjects depending on what Im obsessed about at the time....

A ceramic artist: Ive made bowls and plates and chalices...and free form sculptures, dragons eggs, vases, and seed pods in large and as tiny necklaces, in white clay, black clay, rake, unadorned and decorated with rainbow colours and gold....

a writer: Ive written for magazines on traditional herb use and witchcraft, on perfume, perfume design, and Ive recently written and illustrated a workbook journal on grieving that has just been published by a major publishing company in 3 countries. 

a botanical perfumer: who does custom design, teaches and has a range of stock perfumes left from when I had a proper studio that I'm still selling to loyal customers.

I'm also a nurse. And even there I work in a variety of different settings, from giving vaccines over working in emergency to working on remote aboriginal communities as a remote area nurse. 

I'm also a Healer. I used to teach and practise a form of energy healing and it's still very much part of me, though I don't work with it openly any more...and I miss it. I've studied acupressure, massage and part of a masters degree in Chinese medicine.

What do I mention? what do I leave out?

How do I represent something so multidimensional in one simple website?

Or is it all a symptom of a bigger problem? Do I need to buckle down and simplify my life?

If so, what do I let go of?

So many questions.....

I think I'll go and do some more painting because that at least will clm my overactive brain for a bit....

though it does lead on to the next problem: What do I do with yet another painting?

I need to sell some (most) of the never ending assembly line of art works Im producing...

Which brings me back to the Website problem hahahahahahahahahaha argh. 



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